Thursday, January 12, 2006

pray for the peace of jeru... i mean, the church

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" was on a bumper sticker I saw a few days ago. Is it wrong to pray this? No. But if you insist it's because God wants us to pray for the nation of Israel because they are His chosen people, well then I'd have a problem with that. Why? Read below:

O. Palmer Robertson on the Israel of God:
The recognition of a distinctive people who are the recipients of God’s redemptive blessings and yet who have a separate existence apart from the church of Jesus Christ creates insuperable theological problems. Jesus Christ has only one body and only one bride, one people that he claims as his own, which is the true Israel of God. This one people is made up of Jews and Gentiles who believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

This is taken from an article by Michael Marlowe called The Israel of God

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