Friday, June 01, 2007

getting it right AND getting it out

Bravo to Horton for being honest about an important issue in the church today. We must not only get the gospel right, but get the gospel out.

Here's part of Against Heresies interview with Michael Horton:

Question from Against Heresies: Reformed or conservative Christians are sometimes accused of having an unhealthy interest in controversy and polemics. Is this a fair comment?

Horton: "In my view, the short answer, unfortunately, is “yes.” We are often known more for what we’re against than by what we’re for.

In Acts 2, the church was identified by its devotion to the apostles’ teaching, the breaking of the bread, the fellowship, the prayers, and an intense evangelistic and missionary zeal. We read repeatedly throughout Acts not only that the Word of God was faithfully taught, but that it spread. Today, we are often pressed to choose between getting the gospel right and getting the gospel out. If the gospel is the good news that we say that it is: sinners reconciled to a holy God through the work of Christ alone, why shouldn’t we be the vanguard of outreach to the world?

I fear that it all comes down to sloth or laziness, and I include myself in that critique. Conservatives are often enthusiastic about the truth, but lazy about mission; progressives are often enthusiastic about mission and lazy about the truth..."

Read the whole interview on Against Heresies

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