Friday, April 11, 2008

go, follow the world

It seems churches follow a simple strategy these days:

See what's hot in the world + add a biblical theme to it = doing church successfully!

But isn't the church supposed to be different? Aren't we supposed to stand out - and sometimes so much that we're persecuted for it? Aren't we supposed to be kind of like gypsies in a way? We're different, dance to the beat of a different drum, have different values, are good at celebrating, are not afraid to be bold at times, kind of mysterious, you get the idea...

I propose a new strategy. Let's follow what Jesus actually says in his word, and be what we are, a people set apart for God. A people that have been swept up into a grand adventure. It's not about us and our tiny little lives; it's about God and the history of the human race. The history of redemption has graciously allowed us to have bit parts. It's been playing for a while, and will continue long after we're dead. We've hopped onto this train - or rather, been pulled by our collar onto it. It's heading out of town, a town that will be totally destroyed and rebuilt. We'll head back here one day to repossess it as our own. So, in the meantime, let's be doing what our Savior says:

- preaching Christ as Lord and Savior
- administering His sacraments
- building up the flock with sound teaching
- encouraging people to share the gospel with others
- worshiping in song together
- distinguish ourselves as a people "set apart" from the world, yet still in it for several purposes - like: loving our neighbor, evangelism, discipling our families and brothers/sisters in Christ.


Eutychus said...
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Eutychus said...

Amen! Amen! Well said!